Sites For Classroom Music Teachers
AABACA Minnesota's leading experts for educational music technology Help children discover the excitement of the performing arts
Baby Boomer Bus Songs Lyrics to everyone's favorite old bus songs
BirdJam: Learn Bird Songs! Site had high quality songs of birds from many habitats
Boopadoo Early Childhood songs and KidMixRadio
Bulletin Boards for the Music Classroom Now includes many PowerPoint lessons
CNET Download.Com Find all your shareware music software here!
Childrens Music Portal An open source information portal
Classic Cat Directory of free classical mp3s by the performers themselves
Classical Music Navigator For students: composers, works, styles & influences
Classics for Kids Interactive, multi-media web site for children
Composer Database MusicEdMagic
Compumedia in Education A multimedia approach to music education
EarMaster Interval ChartFind songs using various intervals
ESL Through Music Annotated links to resources
Entertaining Your Brain: Guide to the Mozart Effect Resources on the Mozart Effect
Favorite Classical Composers Biographies of the great composers Profiles of Famous Composers
Gamelan Indonesian instrument Free on-line ear training exercises
Gordon Institute for Music Learning Offical site for Music Learning Theory & GIML
Grote Smurfs Interactive Music Site Peter & the Wolf, etc.
Hello World Kid Songs with recordings in foreign languages
Homemade Instruments Instructions by Nancy Stewart
Interactive Piano Chord VisualizerConstruct, view and hear piano chords Online classroom lessons (K-16) & guitar & piano
International Association for Music Education (ISME)
KEXP Lesson Plans Interdisciplinary, interactive lessons for gr. 6-12
KIDiddles Kids songs
Kidzone! Interactive site from the New York Philharmonic
Know Your Keyboard Answers questions on all keyboard instruments
Kodaly Society of Canada Societe Kodaly du Canada
Lesson Tutor: music and music history Downloadable lesson plans
MENC General Music Network Resources and Open Forum featuring MENC mentors
MiBAC Music Theory Reference Manual Extensive on-line music theory resources
Michael Furstner's JAZCLASS Free online lessons on jazz and music theory
MIDI in the Classroom
MIDI & Music Technology Resources for Teachers Downloadable archives. Newly updated.
Music | PBS Kids Music pages and games for kids
M.U.S.I.C. Musicians United for Songs In the Classroom, Inc. Online student projects.
Music Dictionary by Dolmetsch Online
Music Education Madness Site Teaching, kids, and leaving with a smile on your face
All About Music Theory Free online piano and music lessons
MusicTheory.Net Free online theory lessons, in several languages
Music Theory and History Online Free lessons from Dolmetsch Online
MusiKinesis Resources on teaching Dalcroze Eurhythmics
Organizarion of American Kodaly Educators (OAKE)
Parlor Songs 1800s - 1920s American popular music of the time
Piano's... Piano on the Net Free online piano and music lessons
Pianopedia Search engine and database for classical piano works
Recorder Method Online Recorder help from Dolmetsch Online
Richards Institute of Education Through Music (ETM) Founded by Mary Helen Richards
Richard Robinson's Tunebook Downloadable printed folk melodies from Europe
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum--Lesson Plans Music history and literature
SFS Kids: Fun With Music Interactive site from the San Francisco Orchestra
Smart Board ExchangeSmart board resources
Smart Board Resources: MusicSmart board resources
Smart Board RevolutionSmart board resources
Smart Board and the Elementary Music ClassroomDownloadable Smart board resources list
The Power of Using the Smart Board in the Elementary Music ClassroomSmart board resources by Jean Baker
Free Music Games From
Teachers Love Smartboards: Music to My EarsSmart board resources
Smartboard Resources from Oak ElemenarySmart board resources
Smithsonian Jazz Downloadable lesson plans The stories and facts behind the songs!
Storytime Songs Songs and resources for young children
Young Person's Guide to the OrchestraPresented by Carnegie Hall
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Valuable Sites For All Music Educators
AABACA Minnesota's leading experts for educational music technology solutions
About Music TheoryFree online music theory lessons
Alexander Technique International Better health for singers and musicians
American Society for the Alexander Technique Teachers, classes, books and articles
The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique
Alexander Technique For Musicians The insider's guide
American Music Conference Promoting the Importance of Music, Music-Making, and Music Ed.
American Popular Music Before 1900 Chronological guide from Kingwood College Library
American Popular Music 1900 to 1950 Chronological guide from Kingwood College Library
ArtsEdge Network From the Kennedy Center
Association for Music in International Schools
Audacity Free, open source software for recording and editing sounds, playing tests, etc.
Baby Boomer Bus Songs Lyrics to everyone's favorite old bus songs.
Bulletin Boards for the Music Classroom Includes many PowerPoint lessons
CNET Download.Com Find all your shareware music software here!
Clip Art Links for Music Public Domain
Music Graphics Galore: Clip art for Music
Musical Clip Art.comIncludes flash cards
Composer Database Featured in Teaching Music Magazine
Concert Etiquette from MENC
eBay Music Buy and sell anything music related--online with eBay
Education Links to colleges in all 50 states offering music degrees
Education World A search engine for all educators
Entertaining Your Brain: Guide to the Mozart Effect Resources on the Mozart Effect Profiles of Famous Composers
Finale NotePad Downloadable music notation software
Free Blank Sheet Music Pdf sheet music templates for all instruments
iTunes The top source for downloadable songs in all venues, classical, pop, rock, etc.
Interactive Piano Chord VisualizerConstruct, view and hear piano chords
International Alliance for Women in Music (IAWM) Resources for women in music
Kunst der Fuge / On Classical Larges classical music resource in .mid files
Lesson Innovative, online practice time accountability log
Library of Congress Performing Arts Reading Room Music Division
Lyrics Bay The one stop place for all song lyrics on the web
MENC - Music Educators National Conference The National Association for Music Education
MENC Job Center Postings of current music position openings
MENC: My Music Class Online Teachers Guides and Lesson Plans
MENC State Affiliates List Find your state MENC Affiliate's website!
MIDI & Music Technology Resources for Teachers Downloadable archives. Newly updated.
Mozart EffectResources on the Mozart Effect
Music Dictionary by Dolmetsch Online
MusicLink Foundation non-profit organization providing music to students in financial need
MTNA - Music Teachers National Association Organization for private music instructors
MusicU Resources for getting into the music industry business
Arts Education Research Formerly Music For All Foundation
Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music (1820-1885) Library of Congress
MusicFriends MENC advocacy site for parents and friends of school music programs
About Music TheoryFree online music theory lessons
MusicTheory.Net Free online theory lessons, in several languages
Music Notes' Music Theory Music theory reference materials. From ThinkQuest.
MuSICA Music & science information computer archive
Musical Free search engine of private music teachers
Musicians and Injuries Help for repetitive motion injuries
NAMM Foundation Promoting music advocacy
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia World's largest music fraternity
Private Online database of private music instructors
School Music Matters Online Advocacy Site
Shareware.Com/CNET Find all your shareware music software here!
Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI) International music fraternity
Smart Board ExchangeSmart board resources
Smart Board Resources: MusicSmart board resources
Smart Board RevolutionSmart board resources
Smart Board and the Elementary Music ClassroomDownloadable Smart board resources list
The Power of Using the Smart Board in the Elementary Music ClassroomSmart board resources by Jean Baker
Free Music Games From
Teachers Love Smartboards: Music to My EarsSmart board resources
Smartboard Resources from Oak ElemenarySmart board resources
Songfacts.comThe stories and facts behind the songs! from NAMM and MENC
Take Search engine for private lessons instructors anywhere
TAPPED IN: Teacher Professional Development Institute Real-time virtual conference center
TI:ME - Technology Institute for Music Educators Promotes technology in music education International database of private teachers of all instruments & voice
Texas School Music Project (TSMP) Tricks of the trade for common pedagogical problems
U.S. Department of Education Loads of information for educators
VH1 Save the Music Supporting music in America's schools
Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary A very complete, comprehensive music & composer dictionary
Virtual Metronome Downloadable metronome in QuickTime format Find and share music videos ~
AABACA Minnesota's leading experts for educational music technology solutions
American Orff-Schulwerk Association (AOSA) Music and Movement Education
The American Folk Song Collection Designed for the greatest flexibility for online use
Valuable Sites For All Music Educators